#pins vivreensemble schuttrange Communal Integration Plan
Les devoirs rendus faciles pour les parents
FR - Des cours de langues spécifiques à l’aide de devoir seront mise en place pour les parents étrangers de la commune afin de non seulement les renforcer à soutenir leur(s) enfant(s) et leur connaissance de langues, mais aussi de faciliter l’accès au système scolaire luxembourgeois aux enfants.
DE - Für ausländische Eltern in der Gemeinde werden spezielle Sprachkurse zur Hausaufgabenhilfe eingerichtet, um sie nicht nur in der Förderung ihres Kindes/ihrer Kinder und ihrer Sprachkenntnisse zu stärken, sondern auch um ihren Kindern den Zugang zum luxemburgischen Schulsystem zu erleichtern.
PT - Serão criados cursos de línguas específicos para ajudar nos trabalhos de casa dos pais estrangeiros na comuna, a fim de não só os reforçar para apoiar os seus filhos e as suas competências linguísticas, mas também para facilitar o acesso das crianças ao sistema escolar luxemburguês.
EN - Specific language courses to help with homework will be set up for foreign parents in the municipality in order to not only strengthen them to support their child(ren) and their language skills, but also to facilitate access to the Luxembourg school system for their children.
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The purpose of these courses is to make it easier for these parents' kids to enroll in the Luxembourg blossom word game education system. Supporting and enabling foreign parents to be actively involved in their children's education is a fantastic effort.
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