#pins vivreensemble schuttrange Communal Integration Plan
In January 2019, the municipality of Schuttrange, with its Communal Consultative Commission for Integration (CCCI) and Equal Opportunities, launched a participatory process to develop its Communal Integration Plan (CIP) and promote living together. Thanks to your participation, the online and on-site citizen consultations in summer 2019 gave a good overview of the basic needs of residents in the municipality, allowing the commissions to develop initial targeted actions. As the plan aims not only to share responsibility among as many local actors as possible, but also to touch all areas of community life, the Communal Consultative Commission for Family, Third Age and Social Affairs joined the process. In order to be able to continue despite the health measures due to COVID-19, Pins will be transferred online using a citizen participation platform. With the launch of a dedicated Pins webpage on the municipality's website and the participatory platform, visibility and transparency of the next steps and ultimately the implementation of the actions will be guaranteed. Thus, we invite you to participate in future consultations and actions either as a citizen or as a local association.